[MSNoise] MSNoise 1.2.4 released

Thomas Lecocq thomas.lecocq at seismology.be
Thu May 1 18:54:44 UTC 2014

Dear all,

I've tagged a new release on github. From the release notes:

    /Thanks to some great early MSNoise adopters who reported
    problems using the mailing-list, we have identified a few bugs and
    tricky situations where some steps failed. This is the case for/




        /scan_archive: there were major issues using Threads, this step
        uses Process for multiprocessing, which is much safer. The only problem
        remaining is that there is no more console-logging of the
        found/identified files. To be corrected soon./


        /new_jobs: mostly rewritten, all jobs are properly identified now. There should no more lost jobs !/

    /I've also reflected those changes in the documentation.


To update your MSNoise install, just download the new .py files and 
replace them. There is no compatibility issue, as the database schema 
has not changed.

Thanks a lot, again, to all of you for your feedback (in- or off-list), 
it helps making MSNoise more robust every day !




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