[MSNoise] Question

Sammarco, Carmelo carmelosammarco at abdn.ac.uk
Fri Nov 14 14:38:44 UTC 2014

Dear users,

I want find a way to insert into the CC header's  files  the pair stations distance for each CC.

In the file 'database_tools.py' I found in 'MISCS' this code:

############ MISCS ############

def azimuth(coordinates, x0, y0, x1, y1):
    if coordinates == "DEG":
        dist, azim, bazim = gps2DistAzimuth(y0, x0, y1, x1)
        # print dist, azim, bazi
        return azim
    elif coordinates == 'UTM':
        azim = 90. - np.arctan2((y1 - y0), (x1 - x0)) * 180. / np.pi
        # print azim
        return azim
        print "woooooow, please consider having a single coordinate system for all stations"
        return 0

So my idea was insert this code inside the 'correlation' section to insert these information in the header's files  like it happens with other parameters below:

 if sac_format == "doublets":
        tr.SetHvalue('A', 120)
        tr.SetHvalue('B', -maxlag)
        tr.SetHvalue('DEPMIN', np.min(corr))
        tr.SetHvalue('DEPMAX', np.max(corr))
        tr.SetHvalue('DEPMEN', np.mean(corr))
        tr.SetHvalue('SCALE', 1)
        tr.SetHvalue('NPTS', len(corr))
    del st, tr

I think also that insert this type of implementation in the code could be very helpful. I hope that someone can help me.



Mr Carmelo Sammarco MSc  BSc  FGS
PhD student in Geology and Petroleum Geology
University of Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.
Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

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