[MSNoise] calculate autocorrs after the fact

Flinders, Ashton aflinders at usgs.gov
Wed Aug 15 00:03:19 UTC 2018

I have a 5 station project, where I've already done the normal C2
crosscorrelations. But now I'm interested in what the autocorrs look like.

Is there a way to have it reprocess the data, but just the autocorrs?

I tried changing the auto-corr flag in the config to Y (from N), and the
did the standard work flow (scan, new-jobs, etc). But it didnt calculate

Do I need to reset CC --all?


Ashton F. Flinders, Ph.D
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 329-5050

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