[MSNoise] ​ Workshop information

Anna Tramelli anna.tramelli at ingv.it
Mon Jan 29 11:00:45 UTC 2018

Dear Sirs
I'd like to attend a workshop on MSNoise (a course for beginners). I saw
that you made one in August. Are you planning a new one for this year? If
yes, could you let me know when and where because I've to plan my money
request for this year before the end of Jenuary.
Thank you
Best Regards
Anna ​


Dr. Anna Tramelli, PhD
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
sez. Napoli - Osservatorio Vesuviano
Via Diocleziano 328, 80124 Napoli
tel. +39 0816108344anna.tramelli at ov.ingv.it

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