[MSNoise] cross-correlation and dtt warnins

navid.sirous navid.sirous at ut.ac.ir
Mon May 11 12:20:52 UTC 2020

Dear MSNoise users, 

When I run "_msnoise compute_cc_", I faced the following warnings.  

UserWarning: The encoding specified in trace.stats.mseed.encoding does
not match the dtype of the data._
_A suitable encoding will be chosen._
_  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)_ 

UserWarning: File will be written with more than one different record
_This might have a negative influence on the compatibility with other
_  warnings.warn(msg % 'record lengths')_ 

Also, when I run "_msnoise compute_dtt_" 

OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated_
_  category=OptimizeWarning)_ 

however, all computations were completed, I want to know that do these
warnings have a negative impact on my final results? 

All the best, 


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