[MSNoise] Fwd: Instrument Response Error

Yadava Persad yadava.persad.uwiseismic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 12:39:18 UTC 2021


I am currently using msnoise to work on the recent St. Vincent eruption.
However, when I try to compute_cc, I am unable to get it to remove
instrument response. I am using python version 3.7 and MySQL version 8.0.

I have ensured that the dataless files are matching the data structure as
the mseed files and that the dataless files are located as instructed. I
have also set a direct path to the files in the configuration but I keep
getting the same error.

If I set the instrument response to N, all the other stages work perfectly
with no errors.

I have attached the errors I got as well as my msnoise configuration page.

Thanks in advance for any assistance and please let me know if you require
further information.

Much thanks,

Yadava Persad

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(base) C:\yadava_msnoise>msnoise compute_cc
2021-07-08 15:05:58.044678 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: *** Starting: Compute CC ***
2021-07-08 15:05:58.247713 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: Will compute [ZZ] for different stations
2021-07-08 15:05:58.247713 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: Will compute [] for single stations
['C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\SVB.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\SVGT.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\SVT.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\TR.SFAN.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\TR.SSVA.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\TR.SVV.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\TR.SVWL.dataless', 'C:\\yadava_msnoise\\inventory\\Vincy_network_Degrees.txt']
2021-07-08 15:05:58.513343 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: Checking if there are jobs to do
2021-07-08 15:06:00.700853 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: Getting the next job
2021-07-08 15:06:01.044600 msnoise [pid 11108][INFO]: New CC Job: 2021-01-13 (6 pairs with 4 stations)
c:\users\yad\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\obspy\io\mseed\core.py:790: UserWarning: The encoding specified in trace.stats.mseed.encoding does not match the dtype of the data.
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(base) C:\yadava_msnoise>msnoise compute_cc
2021-07-08 19:49:59.774531 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: *** Starting: Compute CC ***
2021-07-08 19:49:59.946301 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: Will compute [ZZ] for different stations
2021-07-08 19:49:59.946301 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: Will compute [] for single stations
2021-07-08 19:50:00.071403 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: Checking if there are jobs to do
2021-07-08 19:50:00.102555 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: Getting the next job
2021-07-08 19:50:00.368192 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: New CC Job: 2021-01-13 (6 pairs with 4 stations)
c:\users\yad\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\obspy\io\mseed\core.py:790: UserWarning: The encoding specified in trace.stats.mseed.encoding does not match the dtype of the data.
A suitable encoding will be chosen.
  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
2021-07-08 19:50:01.415051 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: No instrument response information for TR.SVB..HHZ, skipping
2021-07-08 19:50:01.961929 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: No instrument response information for TR.SVGT..HHZ, skipping
2021-07-08 19:50:02.508803 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: No instrument response information for TR.SVT..HHZ, skipping
2021-07-08 19:50:03.493176 msnoise [pid 11752][INFO]: No instrument response information for TR.SVV..HHZ, skipping
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	Name	Value
analysis_duration	86400
autocorr	N
cc_sampling_rate	20.0
cc_type	CC
cc_type_single_station_AC	CC
cc_type_single_station_SC	CC
channels	*
components_to_compute	ZZ
corr_duration	1800.
crondays	1
data_folder	C:\Users\Yad\Desktop\yadava_msnoise
data_structure	SDS
dtt_lag	static
dtt_maxdt	0.1
dtt_maxerr	0.1
dtt_mincoh	0.65
dtt_minlag	5.0
dtt_sides	both
dtt_v	1.0
dtt_width	30.0
enddate	2021-07-01
export_format	MSEED
hpc	N
keep_all	N
keep_days	Y
maxlag	120.
mov_stack	5
network	*
overlap	0.0
preprocess_highpass	0.01
preprocess_lowpass	8.0
preprocess_max_gap	10.0
preprocess_taper_length	20.0
pws_power	2.0
pws_timegate	10.0
ref_begin	2021-01-01
ref_end	2021-07-01
remove_response	Y
resampling_method	Lanczos
response_format	dataless
response_path	C:\yadava_msnoise\inventory
response_prefilt	(0.005, 0.006, 30.0, 35.0)
sac_format	doublets
stack_method	linear
startdate	2021-01-01
stretching_max	0.01
stretching_nsteps	1000
whitening	A
whitening_type	B
windsorizing	3

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