[MSNoise] Suggestions for documentation

Sammarco, Carmelo carmelosammarco at abdn.ac.uk
Thu Oct 30 17:05:48 UTC 2014

Dear  Raphael De Plaen msnoise users,

Here some advice:

-For change the job you can edit the jobs table using SQL in this way:


-For the filters you need to push on insert after entering in the database filters(with MySQL) and after you can add your filters and it will appear in the configurator!!

I have the same problem with WX... i need a solution!!! someone can help me??



Mr Carmelo Sammarco MSc  BSc  FGS
PhD student in Geology and Petroleum Geology
University of Aberdeen

From: msnoise-bounces at mailman-as.oma.be <msnoise-bounces at mailman-as.oma.be> on behalf of Raphael <raphael.deplaen at uni.lu>
Sent: 30 October 2014 16:45
To: msnoise at mailman-as.oma.be
Subject: [MSNoise] Suggestions for documentation


Dear Thomas and MSnoise users,

I just completed my first installation and processing on the test case
from AGU 2013 and I had a few observation and comments to improve the
existing documentation for future users.

In the Configurator:


    I made the mistake to set keep_days as “No”, probably because I
    copied the screenshot from the doc. This was, of course, a problem
    when I computed the  CC. I think it would be worth either to change
    the screenshot, or to mention in the doc that this setting could be


    The ref begin and end are set by default in relative, potentially
    causing errors if the REF folder is not created by s04stack.


    I had no filter values by default, I think it would be good to have
    suggested values for those who are quickly trying MSnoise.


    I think it would also be nice to have more advice on the use of
    sqlite and mysql. Maybe recommend a sqlite manager, the way it is
    done with EasyPHP for mysql.


    It was already mentioned in the mailing list but it would also be
    nice to have suggestions on the best way to reset jobs from “D” to
    “T”. It probably won’t be a problem when the toolbox will be ready.


    I didn’t install wx, so to plot the dt/t I had to disable the line 3
    “mpl.use('WxAgg')”. Also the red line didn’t show on the plot, but I
    think this is a known problem.

I hope this will be useful for future users.


   Raphael De Plaen
   PhD Student
   University of Luxembourg

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