[MSNoise] Question

Yoones Vaezi yvaezi at ualberta.ca
Thu Nov 19 04:20:50 UTC 2015


Having looked at the MWCS.py program I have encountered a section which has
not been explained in the paper titled "MSNoise, a Python Package for
Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes Using Ambient Seismic Noise" and I
could not find any justification why this has been done.
Within the program, before calculating the cross-spectrum between the
current and reference CCFs, the minimum values of each window is subtracted
and the result is divided by the maximum value. What is the reason for
doing this? In the paper it is just mentioned that the windows are
mean-adjusted and tapered.
I understand the reason behind detrending, mean adjustment, and the
tapering, but not the above-mentioned part of the code.

Thank you for your help,




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