[MSNoise] two channel types one station

Flinders, Ashton aflinders at usgs.gov
Mon May 7 00:12:18 UTC 2018

I have scanned a database of three stations. One of those stations has two
instrument types, HN* and HH*. I wanted to try and use both the seismometer
data and the accelerometer data.

In my station table I have that station twice, once with the instrument
type "HN*" and again with the instrument type "HH*"

When calculating the CC, I get an error related to to this section of
api.py (1430-1441);

    if len(st) == 2:
        mask = np.logical_or(st[0].data.mask, st[1].data.mask)
    elif len(st) == 3:
        mask = np.logical_or(st[0].data.mask, st[1].data.mask,

    # apply the mask to all traces
    for tr in st:
        tr.data.mask = mask

    # remove the masks from the stream
    st = st.split()
    return st

The error is because st = 4, (HHN, HHE, HNN, HNE).

To try and work around, it seems like I can not just tell it in the station
conf to not use the HN* station - it still tries to and fails.

(1) am I doing something wrong here in general

(2) how do I reset the scan archive if I remove this instrument, or do I
just have to delete the database and start over??


Ashton F. Flinders, Ph.D
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 329-5050

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