[MSNoise] two channel types one station

Thomas Lecocq Thomas.Lecocq at seismology.be
Mon May 7 06:26:06 UTC 2018

Hi Ashton,

Aha, you've found a long-lasting "not implemented" item from my MSNoise 
Wish List: be able to use different channel codes, not only different 
components... So, no, this won't work with a mix between HHZ and HNZ.

Sooooo... Hacky time now, if you are using MySQL and Workbench: open the 
database and input in the SQL command box

    delete * from data_availability where comp like "HN%"

Please open an issue on github for this, we really need to implement the 
different instrument thingy in the next version.


Le 07/05/2018 à 02:12, Flinders, Ashton a écrit :
> I have scanned a database of three stations. One of those stations has two
> instrument types, HN* and HH*. I wanted to try and use both the seismometer
> data and the accelerometer data.
> In my station table I have that station twice, once with the instrument
> type "HN*" and again with the instrument type "HH*"
> When calculating the CC, I get an error related to to this section of
> api.py (1430-1441);
>      if len(st) == 2:
>          mask = np.logical_or(st[0].data.mask, st[1].data.mask)
>      elif len(st) == 3:
>          mask = np.logical_or(st[0].data.mask, st[1].data.mask,
> st[2].data.mask)
>      # apply the mask to all traces
>      for tr in st:
>          tr.data.mask = mask
>      # remove the masks from the stream
>      st = st.split()
>      return st
> The error is because st = 4, (HHN, HHE, HNN, HNE).
> To try and work around, it seems like I can not just tell it in the station
> conf to not use the HN* station - it still tries to and fails.
> (1) am I doing something wrong here in general
> (2) how do I reset the scan archive if I remove this instrument, or do I
> just have to delete the database and start over??
> -thanks

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