[MSNoise] MSNoise mwcs jobs error

Axelle Pantiga axelle.pantiga at u-bordeaux.fr
Tue Sep 12 06:56:58 UTC 2023


I've been trying to use the MSNoise package but I have some issues when running the mwcs jobs step. 
The jobs are running but I have an error when trying to plot. in plots\mwcs.py", line 86, in main 
IndexError: list index out of range 

Then the compute_dtt step doesn't work either. 

When running the stack jobs I have the message "There are STACKS jobs for some days to recompute for ..." for each pair, and then the same message with MWCS jobs. 
Can you tell me if this is related to the other problem? 
My ccf seem to be ok when plotting them. 

Thank you for your help, 

Doctorante à l'Université de Bordeaux 
Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie - GCE 
Bât A11 
351 Cours de la Libération 

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